Ron Rumko's

Terms of Service

Last updated: 29.07.2023

By commissioning me (henceforth referred to as ‘the artist’ or Ron Rumko), you (henceforth referred to as ‘the commissioner’ or ‘the client’) are also agreeing to the following conditions. This document is subject to change at any time without notice. The artist will refuse doing the commission if the commissioner does not agree to these terms. Clients who have commissioned and/or received art before this ToS has gone into effect are still bound to its contents.The commission discussed within this document is for personal use only and does not come with a commercial use license unless discussed with the artist.The commissioner must be over 18 in order to request and receive a commission. By requesting a commission the commissioner is entering an agreement that they are indeed over the age of 18.1) ServiceA commission includes a digital 300 dpi png or jpg file of the art, unless otherwise stated. It will be delivered via an e-mail or Google Drive folder. Layered files (such as PSDs) are not included.
The client can order a commission by emailing the artist ([email protected]) and/or messaging on Twitter (@ronrumko)/Discord (ron.rumko). They will be expected to fill out the Commission Ordering form the artist replies with. Commission requests will typically be responded to within 1-7 business days. The commissioner will then get a reply discussing the details (if needed) as well as the artist accepting the commission (or not). Before taking part in any transaction the client is required to wait for a reply accepting the commission and price confirmation/invoice from the artist.
Commissions may take anywhere from 3-21 business days for smaller commissions under $100 or up to several months for larger pieces over $100 (such as comics or very detailed art). The commissioner may ask the artist for current, up-to-date time estimates. The ordering process can be expedited by the commissioner who is responding quickly to questions and providing feedback and approval on a timely basis.A ‘rush job’ (for example smaller commission with a deadline of less than 14 business days) must be discussed before the start of the commission and may incur a rush fee (at least +25% of the original price).After receiving the commission the client takes a responsibility for saving it. Any file the commissioner paid for will be available from the artist for a finite time only. The artist preserves most files up to 1 month. However, he can not guarantee against computer failure or accidental deletion or loss.2) RightsThe artist retains all rights to all art pieces the artist creates for private commissions. The rights may include using the art for a portfolio, posting it on social media or selling prints of the art. The commissioner retains all rights to their intellectual property and original characters. The artist will not sell reproductions featuring other people’s characters without their explicit consent.If the commissioner does not wish for the commission to be published online, wishes to be anonymous or does not wish for the art to be reproduced in print, they must alert the artist before the commission is completely approved. The artist reserves the right to sign and/or watermark his own work.The commissioner’s personal use rights include:
• Reposting a commission online if they visibly credit the artist as ‘@ronrumko (on Twitter)’ or by linking to the artist’s webpage at
• Using the art as an icon, banner or in a gallery page.
• Reproducing the art in physical form for personal use, such as on single pieces of art prints or phone cases.
The commissioner’s personal use rights exclude:
• Using the art in any relation to NFTs. The client is prohibited to sell the work or anything implied as representing the work in any way such as by non-fungible token (NFT). It may not be referenced by new contracts, including on distributed applications, without approval of the artist.
• Using the art for AI purposes and alike.
• Selling physical or digital copies of the art or mass-produced (more than one piece of merchandise that goes beyond personal use) merchandise featuring the art (such as stickers, shirts or other items).
• Using the art for commercial media (such as games, films and music).
• Reselling the original art piece.
• Displaying or hosting the art in any gallery that is intended to display their own work only.
• Claiming the art as their own.
• Changing, modifying or editing the art without permission.
• Tracing over the art in any way.
Commercial usage rights must be discussed with the artist before the art is used for such purposes. Commercial use license will incur an additional fee.The above lists of personal rights inclusions and exclusions are non-exhaustive and may be edited at any time.3) Commercial usage agreementIf the commissioner wishes to order a commission for commercial use, the total price of the commission, as well as any other royalties, will be agreed upon upfront. The minimum price increase 100% of the original price, meaning double the end sum. However, the artist reserves the right to charge more if he deems fit.The following cases are considered commercial use: reproducing and selling the artwork by the commissioner, publicly or privately, cases where the commissioner receives profit from a medium/platform where they have uploaded the commissioned art (eg. Patreon, YouTube, a personal site, business cards etc.), usage in film and marketing.4) PaymentPayment is due upfront before the artist starts work on the commission. A commission that costs $100 or under must be paid in full before the work is started. Payment plans may be discussed for commissions that cost over $100. The artist and client will agree on a payment plan before work is started.Prices listed on the artist’s Base Prices page may increase for any reason (such as art with extreme detail: mech, tattoos, armour, jewellery or patterns or complex backgrounds).All payments are invoiced via Paypal, unless discussed otherwise with the artist. Stripe may be used as a secondary option. Payment may be also done via Ko-fi but it is to be discussed with the artist before. Invoices are sent once the artist and client have agreed to a price quote and the client has provided an email address. If payment is not made in a timely manner (24h) after the artist send the invoice, the commission will be canceled.The artist may cancel a commission for any reason, before or during the drawing process. In the case that the artist cancels the commission, the commissioner is entitled to a 100% refund. The commissioner can not cancel the commission once the artist starts working on it (no refunds).All communications will be via email or Twitter’s DM/Discord. If the artist emails (or messages on Twitter/Discord) progress to the client and the client does not respond within 4 weeks, the artist reserves the right to drop any further progress on the commission without refund. If the client responds after the 4 week time period, the artist may choose to resume the commission or completely drop the project.5) RevisionsThe artist works on a sketch approval process. The commissioner will receive a Work in Progress sketch after the payment is completed. The artist will not make major revisions to art past the sketch phase once the client has approved the sketch (major revisions may include: redrawing a full body pose, changing characters, adding characters). If the client requires major revisions and does not wish to purchase a separate commission, additional fees may occur depending on the complexity of the revision.The commissioner is entitled to up to 3 free minor revisions during any part of the process after accepting the sketch (minor revisions may include: small adjustment to the pose, such as arm, leg, head placement, making colour adjustments to small areas or changing saturation of the entire piece). The responsibility is on the client to provide the artist with all the details they want the artist to follow. The commissioner can request a WiP at any given time. After order is completed, minor changes such as color adjustments are allowed if the missing or inaccurate elements are the artist’s fault (e.g. he overlooked details provided in the order).The artist reserves the right to reject critiques pertaining to artistic skill and stylization and if the critique reduces the artistic quality of the piece. The commissioner must respect that the artist’s artistic style can not be altered. Any comments that are rude, inappropriate or inflammatory may result in blacklisting.6) Will not drawThe artist retains the right to decline any commission proposal for any reason. The artist is not required to explain a proposal rejection.Can draw:
• Original characters
• Diverse characters (e.g. characters who are elderly, fat, of any chosen ethnicity, visibly trans or gender non-conforming)
• Body horror, gore
• Monsters
• Fanart
• Ship art (canon, self insert, etc.)
• Nudity, nsfw (ask about kinks)
• Anthro and animals
• Real people (but not celebrities)
• Armour
• Mech elements and props
Can’t draw:
• Hate speech and symbols
• Fetish
• Complex mech designs (such as sci-fi vehicles)
• Nudity or sexual art of real people
• Celebrities
• Anything I do not want to draw.

Thank you for reading!

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